Big Sweep
The Big Sweep is a community program where volunteers sign up to assist seniors by raking leaves in the fall. Seniors can request assistance by calling the Borough Administrative Office at 201-670-3956. This program is dependent on volunteers signing up. Volunteers are matched with requests from seniors. Every attempt will be made to respond to a request for help, but there is no guarantee.  For additional information contact the Deputy Clerk at 201-670-3956

Shovel 4 Seniors
Snow Removal is a similar program to The Big Sweep. Volunteers signup to assist seniors when it snows by shoveling their walkways and sidewalks. Seniors can request this assistance by calling the Director of Parks and Recreation Office.  Volunteers are then matched with seniors who have requested help. There is no specified time frame as to when the volunteer may be able to shovel. For additional information contact the Director Parks and Recreation 201-670-3951 x1.

DPW Recycling Pickup
for those senior residents who live alone and are unable to place recycling to the curb for normal pickup, DPW can arrange to pick up recycling from the back of the house. This service is intended for those senior residents who are physically unable to put their recycling to the curb and must be re-applied for at Borough Hall prior to the start of each year. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 201-670-3980.